We’ve also compiled a list of resources below (some paid and some free) that are available to assist with your mental health journey.

Momentum Counseling Services

Offers low-cost counselling. Also offering education/support groups including:

  • Bipolar

  • LGBTQ,

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Emotional Regulation

University of Alberta Hospital Psychiatric Treatment Clinic

Outpatient (meaning people who aren’t in hospital) program, both individual and group therapy offered as well as access to psychiatrists. Intake happens once in the morning and once in the afternoon. For serious psychiatric conditions (debilitating anxiety/depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis, ocd, personality disorders, etc.) Free.

City of Edmonton Short Term Counselling

Offers free short term counselling – good resource if your stress is related to a certain situation happening in your life and not so much an ongoing mental illness. Free.

Pride Centre of Edmonton

Offers free drop in counselling, LGBTQ specialized.

Alberta Health Services Community Urgent Services & Stabilization Team

Provides urgent help to people experiencing a mental health crisis in the community. Free.

AHS  Intake Services

780.342.7600 (Intake/Access)
780.342.7777 (Crisis)
One stop shop for access to all AHS mental health referrals.

Fair Kitchens

A group of american industry based on inspiring new kitchen culture where harassment and abuse arn’t tolerated, and mental wellness takes presidence.

Working For Change

A little more on the reactive side, tries to place people with addiction issues into restaurants and advocate for positive change in the world.

Tacit Knowledge

Offers subsidized counselling services – FREE educational workshops and support group programming which address a wide variety of mental wellness issues – and Professional Development Training which focuses on mental wellness within teams and for interaction with the public. Tacit also offers EMDR and Neurofeedback Training/Therapy options; and specializes in issues like anxiety, depression, mood disorders, trauma, stress, addictions, esteem issues, relationship challenges, and self harm.

Edmonton Drop in Single Service Counselling

Multiple locations of single occurrence free crisis counselling.

Community Counselling Centre

Offers counselling on a sliding scale. (Can be as low as $20/hour)

Cornerstone Counselling

Offers counselling on a sliding scale, as low as $50/hr or $20/hr with a student.

University of Alberta Faculty of Education Clinical Services

Low cost counselling provided by masters level students ($30/session)

Alberta Health Services Addiction Distressline

1.866.332.2322 (24/7)

Edmonton Mental Health Foundation

Mind The Bar

The Last Door: Addictions Counciling & Therapy. Detox centre.

If you need immediate assistance, please call the Edmonton Distress Line at 780-482-HELP

or if outside of Edmonton the Rural Distress line is: 1.800.232.7288